The Insight Project is excited about the future and believes that through an active community and stakeholders commitment we will stop the rise of human trafficking in Luxembourg.
From us at The Insight Project, we say a big thank you to Soroptimist International : Club Clairefontaine and Club Melusina for your support and we look forward to many moments of success.
Den Insight Project ass begeeschtert iwwer d'Zukunft a mengt, datt mir duerch eng aktiv Gemeinschaft an d'Akteuren Engagement den Opstig vum Mënschenhandel zu Lëtzebuerg stoppen.
Vun eis um The Insight Project soen mir Soroptimist International : Club Clairefontaine a Club Melusina e grousse Merci fir Är Ënnerstëtzung a mir freeën eis op vill Momenter vu Succès.